
Artwork ©Kajenna

In order to use her art you must purchase a license and the tubes at PicsForDesign


Font used: Disco 1


Filters: Muras Meister / Copies

Distort / Radial ZigZag

Xero / Porcelain

Eye Candy 4000 / Gradient glow

Greg's Factory Output Vol. II / Pool Shadow


The example was made with PSP X and Jasc Animation Shop


1.) Open a new raster layer 800x400 pixel

2.) Copy and paste your tube as new raster layer / Muras Meister / Copies / Wallpaper rotate / default settings

3.) Adjust / Motion Blur / Angle 45% / Strength 100 / repeat 2 times more

4.) Effects / Edge Effects / Enhance

5.) Duplicate this layer / Effects / Distort / Radial ZigZag

6.) Set the layer mode to Soft Light

7.) Copy and paste your tube again / add a drop shadow / Xero / porcelain (blue channel to 0) / unsharp mask

8.) Pen Tool / foreground color of your choice

9.) Draw 4 lines / convert to raster layer

10.) Effects / Distortions Effects / Wave

11.) Image / free rotate / 90 degrees left or right / for placement look at my example

12.) Duplicate / Image / Mirror / Flip / colorize this waves to another color of choice / drop shadow on both

13.) Rectangle Tool / foreground color of your choice / background color of your choice

14.) Image / free rotate / 45 degrees / convert to raster layer / for placement look at my tag / I added an Inner Bevel

15.) Add a drop shadow / effects / Xero / porcelain (blue channel to 0) / unsharp mask

16.) Duplicate / image / mirror

17.) Crop you image / add new raster layer

18.) Select all / modify contract by 2 pixels / selection invert / fill with a color of your choice

19.) Select none / add drop shadow (1/1/50/5) , repeat with -1/-1/50/5

20.) Add the artist's ©, url and your license

21.) Add your name/ Disco 1 font / size 120 (I made my name in different colors) , convert to raster layer

22.) Effects / Eye Candy 4000 / Gradient glow / if you used light colors for your name then use black otherwise white

23.) Add drop shadow / unsharp mask



1.) Highlight your Radial ZigZag layer

2.) Effects / Greg's Factory Output Vol. II / Pool Shadow

3.) Edit / Copy merged

4.) Paste as new animation to Animation Shop (AS)

5.) Back to your PSP undo last step / repeat Pool Shadow but change the diagonal to 60

6.) Edit / Copy merged

7.) Paste after current frame in AS

8.) Back to your PSP undo last step / repeat Pool Shadow but change the diagonal to 70 (next would be 80, 90 .....)

9.) Edit / Copy merged / paste after current frame ......repeat these steps till you have 6 frames

10.) In AS / Edit / Select all / change the frame properties to 18

11.) View animation and save as ......gif


This tutorial was written on 8th of august 2019 and the copyright is mine

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