CT for ©Kajenna
In order to use her art you must purchase a license and the tubes at Picsfordesign.com
Filters: Muras Meister / Copies
Lotis Filters / Mosaic Toolkit Plus v.255a
Alien Skin / Eye Candy 5 / Impact / Perspective Shadow
1.) Open a new raster layer 800x400 pixel
2.) Copy and paste your tube as new raster layer / Muras Meister / Copies / Wallpaper rotate / default settings
3.) Adjust / Motion Blur
4.) Effects / Edge Effects / Enhance
5.) Duplicate this layer / Effects / Lotis Filters / Mosaic Toolkit Plus
6.) Set this layer to opacity 65/ Enhance and merge down
I added an closeup from this tube to my background and some lines (pen tool)
7.) Copy this layer and paste as new image to your working space (you can minimize it)
8.) Preset Shape Tool / Arrow / set your background to the minimized pattern / foreground none / draw an arrow like I did in my samples
9.) Objects / align / center in canvas / convert to raster layer
10.) Effects / Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 / Impact / Perspective Shadow/ Settings/ Drop Shadow Low
11.) Effects / Photo Effects / Black and White Film
12.) Now add your text and/or name on top of the arrow / drop shadow / merge down with your arrow
13.) Copy and paste your tube and add perspective shadow as before on the arrow / crop your canvas
14.) Add a new raster layer / select all / modify by 2 pixels / selection invert / fill with your pattern / deselect
15.) Drop shadow (1/1/50/5 and -1/-1/50/5)
16.) Add the artist's © / url and your license
17.) Merge frame , tube and copyright (you should have 3 layers now: background, arrow and the top layer)
1.) Close out background and top layer (click in the eye icon in your layer palette) / Edit / copy merged
2.) Paste your arrow layer as new animation to AS (Animation Shop)
3.) Effects / Insert Image Transition / Curtains
4.) Click on Customize
5.) Go back to your PSP, make BG layer visible / copy and paste as new animation to AS
6.) Hold down Ctrl and hit the letter "L" till you have 13 frames
7.) Back to your arrow animation / Edit / select all / copy
8.) Highlight your BG animation / Edit / select all / paste into selected frame
9.) You can delete now the arrow animation from AS
10.) Back to your PSP, make top layer visible / copy and paste as new animation to AS
11.) Hold down Ctrl and hit the letter "L" till you have 13 frames
12.) Edit / select all / copy
13.) Highlight your background animation / paste into selected frame
14.) We want to make that the curtains open and close , so ..... Edit / select all / copy
15.) Click on your working space and paste as new animation
16.) Select all / Animation / Reverse Frames
17.) Select all / copy
18.) Now go back to your original, click on your last frame .......edit / paste after current frame
19.) Click on your first frame / change the frame properties to 160
20.) View animation / save as ........gif
This tutorial was written on 30th of june 2019
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