Flashlights *NEW*

A CT set with the wonderful art of ©Kajenna

You need to purchase her tubes and a license at PicsForDesign.com 



Muras Filter / Copies 
Tramages / Tow The Line 
Eye Candy 5 / Impact/  Glass 
AV Bros./ Page Curl Pro 



1.) Open a new canvas 750 x 300

2.) Copy and paste your tube as new raster layer / do not resize 

3.) Effects / Muras Meister / copies / Wallpaper (rotate)

4.) Selection Tool / rectangle 

5.) Adjust / Blur / Gaussian Blur / Radius 14 / keep selected

6.) Effects / Tramages / Tow The Line

7.) Selection / select none

8.) Copy and paste FilmStripeTemplate_GF as new raster layer / free rotate 90 degrees

9.) Same you do with the grey underlayer

10.) Highlight the grey underlayer / selection / select all / float / defloat / add new raster layer and fill with a color or gradient of your choice / deselect

11.) Copy and paste your tube again / move it under your filmstripe

12.) Highligh the filmstrip / magic wand tool and click inside of one part of the frame

13.) Selection / modify / expand by 2 pixels / selection / invert 

14.) Highlight your tube layer and hit the DELETE button on your keyboard / deselect

15.) Repeat these steps with the other 2 frames from the filmstripe

16.) Highlight your filmstripe / effects / Eye Candy 5 / Impact/ Glass

17.) Click on the little eye icon in your Layers Palette and hide your background layer

18.) Merge visible/ add a drop shadow to your filmstripe and make the background layer visible again

19.) Copy and paste FilmStripeSmall_GF as new raster layer

20.) Colorize to your liking / drop shadow 

21.) Copy and paste your tube again / move to the right / duplicate / image/ mirrow (for placement look at my example, if you don't have a second tube like I had)

22.) Add a drop shadow to your tubes

23.) Merge all visible

24.) Select all / Modify / contract by 3 pixels / selection invert 

25.) New raster layer and fill your selection with black / keep selected

26.) Effects / Texture Effects / Weave / Deselect

27.) Drop Shadow / 1/1/50/5 and repeat -1/-1/50/5 

28.) Duplicate your merged layer / on the top one / Effects/ Av Bros. / Page Curl Pro

29.) Highlight your buttom layer and copy and paste your tube again / move your tube to the left top corner , so that just the camera is showing / rotate to your liking (NOTE: only if you don't have same tube than me)

30.) Merge all layers visible

31.) Add the copyrights, name etc.



1.) Copy and paste your tag as new animation to AS (Animation Shop)

2.) Back in you PSP / Effects / Illumination Effects/ Sun Burst

3.) Copy and paste after current frame to your AS

4.) In your PSP hit the undo button and copy and paste after current frame again to AS

5.) Repeat Sun Burst, but this time have your focus to the top left camera / I lowered the

brightness to 25 this time

6.) Copy and paste after current frame to AS

7.) Click on your first frame in AS / right click on the frame and set Frame Properties to 150

8.) Do the same with the third frame

9.) View animation and save as ......gif 


This tutorial was written on 19th of june 2019 and the copyright is mine

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