

Artwork ©Steve Baier (used with license from Up Your Art - 
now closed)

In order to use his art you must purchase a license and the tubes at



Muras Meister / Copies

Distort / Shear

Mehdi / Sorting Tiles

Filter Factory E / Transparent Bullseye

The example was made with PSP X and Jasc Animation Shop

If you scroll down you will see other examples of this tutorial.

1.) Open a 
new raster layer 600x250 pixel

2.) Copy and paste your tube as new raster layer (do not crop or resize) / 
Muras Meister /
Copies / Wallpaper rotate / default settings

3.) Adjust / Motion Blur / Angle 45 / 100% / crop your canvas

4.) Effects / Distort / Shear (you can move those lines and make new 

5.) Duplicate / Effects / Medhi / Sorting Tiles / 50-100 / 50 / Mosaic /

6.) Set this layer to Soft Light / Effects / Edge Effects / Enhance

7.) Take you Rectangle Tool / foreground none / Background white and draw 3 
rectangles like I did in the screenshot below

8.) Convert to raster layer / Effects / Distort / Shear

9.) Apply Drop Shadow and set the layer mode to Soft Light

10.) Duplicate your bottom layer and bring to top / Effects / Filter Factory 
E / Transparent Bullseye / set "Number of Rings" to 0

11.) Set the layer mode to Soft Light / Effects / Edge Effects / Enhance / 
lower the opacity to your liking

12.) Copy and paste your tube / add drop shadow

13.) Crop your canvas / add a new raster layer / Selection / Select all / 
Modify contract by 10 pixels / selection invert / floodfill with white

14.) Deselect / add drop shadow (1/1/50/5 and-1/-1/50/5) / set layer mode to 
Soft Light

15.) Effects / Edge Effects / Erode

16.) Add the artist's © / url and your license

17.) Add your name and save as png (I added DSB Flux / Bright Noise to my 
Mehdi layer to animate it)


Tag by Kat with slight animation

This tutorial was written 14th of August 2010 and the copyright is mine