A CT set with the wonderful art of ©Kajenna
You need to purchase her tubes and a license at PicsForDesign.com
Muras Meister / Copies
Segoe Script
Supplies: here
1. Open a new transparent 750x300 layer
2. Copy and paste the background layer from this tube as new raster layer / rotate 90 degrees
3. Duplicate / for better view, close out bottom layer / apply mask
4. Click in the layers sidebar on the mask and move it like I did
5. Merge group / add drop shadow / set to Overlay (or whatever fits your tube)
6. Copy and paste BLINK / move it to the top / Copy and paste "NY" and move it to bottom (between your bg layers)
7. I used the flowers from her shirt too / Muras Meister / Copies / Line rotate / set to dodge and 30 %
8. Copy and paste your tube / drop shadow
9. Ellipse Tool / set to Draw Ellipse / foreground white / background none
10. Text Tool / Segoe Script size 22 / Background white (I used black on the screenshoot to show you better) / move your cursor close to that Ellipse till you get the A underlined symbol / click and type " Curls Run the World"
11. In the side bar make the Ellipse unvisible / convert to raster layer / add a small dropshadow / set to 65% opacity
12. I duplicated this layer twice / look at my set for placement
13. Copy and paste your tube / add a drop shadow
14. Crop your image and add a border / add copyright and your name
15. Edit / Copy Merged
16. Paste as new animation to AS / CTRL + L till you have 25 frames
17. Open the Curly animation / Edit / Select all / Edit / Copy
18. Highlight your set / Edit / Select all / Paste into selected frame
19. I resized my animation / reverse frames and added it again to the set
20. View Animation....save as gif
This tutorial was written on 8th of june 2019 and the copyright is mine
The supplies for one of your older tuts Curly seem to have disappeared, would it be possible to get them please? Thanks in advance