Curly *NEW*

A CT set with the wonderful art of ©Kajenna

You need to purchase her tubes and a license at 



Muras Meister / Copies 



Segoe Script


Supplies: here


1. Open a new transparent 750x300 layer

2. Copy and paste the background layer from this tube as new raster layer / rotate 90 degrees

3. Duplicate / for better view, close out bottom layer / apply mask

4. Click in the layers sidebar on the mask and move it like I did

5. Merge group / add drop shadow / set to Overlay (or whatever fits your tube)

6. Copy and paste BLINK / move it to the top / Copy and paste "NY" and move it to bottom (between your bg layers)

7. I used the flowers from her shirt too / Muras Meister / Copies / Line rotate / set to dodge and 30 %

8. Copy and paste your tube / drop shadow

9. Ellipse Tool / set to Draw Ellipse / foreground white / background none

10. Text Tool / Segoe Script size 22 / Background white (I used black on the screenshoot to show you better) / move your cursor close to that Ellipse till you get the A underlined symbol / click and type " Curls Run the World"

11. In the side bar make the Ellipse unvisible / convert to raster layer / add a small dropshadow / set to 65% opacity

12. I duplicated this layer twice / look at my set for placement

13. Copy and paste your tube / add a drop shadow

14. Crop your image and add a border / add copyright and your name

15. Edit / Copy Merged

16. Paste as new animation to AS / CTRL + L till you have 25 frames

17. Open the Curly animation / Edit / Select all / Edit / Copy

18. Highlight your set / Edit / Select all / Paste into selected frame 

19. I resized my animation / reverse frames and added it again to the set

20. View as gif


This tutorial was written on 8th of june 2019 and the copyright is mine

1 comment:

  1. The supplies for one of your older tuts Curly seem to have disappeared, would it be possible to get them please? Thanks in advance
