I used the wonderful art of ©Kajenna, you can purchase her art and license at PicsForDesign.com
Filters: Xero , DSB Flux, Muras Meister
Font: Angelina
Supplies: here
1.Open a new 750x300 raster layer
2. Copy and paste your tube
3. Effects / Muras Filter / Copies / Wallpaper rotate
4. Blur / Motion Blur 2x / Effects / Edge Effects / Enhance
5. Effects / Xero / Frittillary
6. Copy and Paste FRAME
7. Fill the frame with a nice background from your image (most tubes come with a bg)
8. Add a drop shadow to the frame
9. Duplicate the image in the frame / highlight the bottom one
10. Effects / DSB Flux / Linear Transmission
11. Effects / Edge / Enhance (depends on the image if it looks good or not)
12. Image / Free Rotate
13. Add your tube / drop shadow
14. Rectangle Tool / foreground none, background gold gradient
15. Draw a very small rectangle / convert to raster layer and duplicate 3 times / for placement look at my tag / Merge those rectangles
16. Image / Free Rotate / 90 degrees
17. Duplicate this layer and move one below the "Linear Transmission" layer / add drop shadow
18. Hightlight your top layer / Eraser Tool / Zoom in your set
19. You can add more of those stripes to your set like I did
20. Crop your set / add a new raster layer / Selection / Select all / Modify contract by 4 / invert
21. Set to pattern and fill with your image / select none
22. Effects / Edge Effects / Enhance / drop shadow -1/-1 and again 1/1 / opacity 100 / Blur 6
23. Add the copyright and your name
1. Copy and paste your background layer (the fritillary one) to Animation Shop
2. Effects / Insert Image Effects / Underwater
Wave 1 : 30/30
Wave 2: -11/58
Wave 3: -41/53
Wave4: -16/40
Wave 5: 18/44
3. Delete the first frame
4. Back to your PSP / Copy merged (but not the background layer)
5. Paste as new animation to AS / CTRL + L till you have 20 frames
6. Edit / Select all / Copy
7. Highlight your background animation / Edit / Select All / Paste into selected frame
8. View Animation ....save as gif
This tutorial was written on 1rst of june 2019 and the copyright is mine
Very cool-thank you for sharing :)