Artwork ©Kajenna
In order to use her art you must purchase a license and her tubes at PicsForDesign
Supplies: My Doodle and the Becky mask 25 here
Font used: Champagne & Limousine
Filters: Filter Factory V / Incantation
Muras Meister / Copies
Eye Candy 4000 / Jiggle
The example was made with PSP X and Jasc Animation Shop
1.) Open a new raster layer 800x300 pixel
2.) Copy and paste your tube as new raster layer / move it to the left side / duplicate / close out the duplicated one for the moment
3.) Crop your layers
4.) On the original layer / Effects / Muras Meister / Copies / Wallpaper rotate / default settings
5.) Filter Factory V / Incantation
7.) Effects / Edge Effects / Enhace
8.) Add a new raster layer / fill with a color of your choice
10.) Activate your Pick Tool
11.) Move the mask behind your tube layer
12.) Merge group / Effects / Edge Effects / Enhace
13.) Copy and paste a another tube or same, but smaller / move to the right
14.) Copy and paste the stripes
15.) Copy and paste my doodle / colorize to your liking / for placement look at my examples
16.) Add drop shadow to your tube / close up and doddle(s)
17.) Selection / select all / modify / contract by 2 pixels / invert
18.) Add a new raster layer and fill with a color of your choice / deselect
19.) Add drop shadow (1 / 1 / 50 / 5 ) , repeat but with -1 / -1
20.) Add the artist's © and url and your license
21.) Add your name in different colors / look at my examples for reference /drop shadow
1.) Highlight your mask layer / Eye Candy 4000 / Jiggle
2.) Edit / copy merged
3.) Paste as new animation to your Animation Shop (AS)
4.) Back to your PSP / undo last step and repeat Jiggle / click once on "Random Seed"
5.) Edit / copy merged
6.) Paste after current frame in AS
7.) Repeat steps 4 , 5 and 6 till you have 5 frames in AS
8.) Edit / select all / change the frame properties to 18
9.) View / view animation and save as ....gif
This tutorial was written on 31rst of june 2019 and the copyright is mine
This tutorial was written on 31rst of june 2019 and the copyright is mine
Thank you. I don't see a supply download link?