
Artwork ©Kajenna

In order to use her art you must purchase a license and her tubes at PicsForDesign 


Supplies: My Doodle and the Becky mask 25 here 


Font used: Champagne & Limousine 


Filters: Filter Factory V / Incantation

Muras Meister / Copies

Eye Candy 4000 / Jiggle

The example was made with PSP X and Jasc Animation Shop


1.) Open a new raster layer 800x300 pixel

2.) Copy and paste your tube as new raster layer / move it to the left side / duplicate / close out the duplicated one for the moment

3.) Crop your layers

4.) On the original layer / Effects / Muras Meister / Copies / Wallpaper rotate / default settings

5.) Filter Factory V / Incantation

6.) Effects / Art Media Effects / Brush Strokes

7.) Effects / Edge Effects / Enhace

8.) Add a new raster layer / fill with a color of your choice

9.) Layers / Load mask from disk / Becky Mask 25

10.) Activate your Pick Tool 

11.) Move the mask behind your tube layer

12.) Merge group / Effects / Edge Effects / Enhace

13.) Copy and paste a another tube or same, but smaller / move to the right

14.) Copy and paste the stripes

15.) Copy and paste my doodle / colorize to your liking / for placement look at my examples

16.) Add drop shadow to your tube / close up and doddle(s)

17.) Selection / select all / modify / contract by 2 pixels / invert

18.) Add a new raster layer and fill with a color of your choice / deselect

19.) Add drop shadow (1 / 1 / 50 / 5 ) , repeat but with -1 / -1

20.) Add the artist's © and url and your license

21.) Add your name in different colors / look at my examples for reference /drop shadow



1.) Highlight your mask layer / Eye Candy 4000 / Jiggle

2.) Edit / copy merged 

3.) Paste as new animation to your Animation Shop (AS)

4.) Back to your PSP / undo last step and repeat Jiggle / click once on "Random Seed"

5.) Edit / copy merged

6.) Paste after current frame in AS

7.) Repeat steps 4 , 5 and 6 till you have 5 frames in AS

8.) Edit / select all / change the frame properties to 18 

9.) View / view animation and save as ....gif


This tutorial was written on 31rst of june 2019 and the copyright is mine

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