Spotlight *NEW*

I used the wonderful art of ©Jamie Kidd, you can purchase his art and license at CDO

Filters : Eye Candy Impact / Xero Porcelain / DSB Flux / Neology

Supplies: here


1.Open a new raster layer 750x300

2. Copy and paste your tube

3. Duplicate / at the bottom one / Muras Filter / Copies / Wallpaper rotate

4. Duplicate / at the bottom one / Adjust / Blur / Motion Blur 2x 

5. On the other BG layer / Effects / Neology / Blend Mosaic

6. Crop Tool

7. Layers / Load mask from disc

8. Pick Tool / move the mask layer to the left side / merge group

9. Effects / Edge Effects / Enhance / Effects / Xero / Porcelain

10. Duplicate / Image mirror / image flip / merge down / drop shadow

11. Highlight your BG layer / Eclipse Tool / I draw a few circles to fill the outline circles from the mask layer / on each I applied Eye Candy Glass

12. Highlight your BG layer again / Rectangle Tool / convert to raster layer

13. Effects / DSB Flux / Linear Transmission / Effects / Edge Effects / Enhance / opacity 80

14. Highlight your mask layer / Rectangle Tool / convert to raster layer

15. Effects / DSB Flux / Linear Transmission / drop shadow / opacity 85

16. Same you do on the other side with other color (look at my set for placement)

17. Crop your image again

18. Add border , copyright, your name etc.

19. Time to merge / merge all below your mask layer and all above it



1. Copy and paste your mask layer to AS (Animation Shop) 2x

2. Effects / Insert Image Effects / on your first mask layer you apply Direction unchecked on the second checked / Customize

3. Delete on first animation the first frame and on second the last

4. Take your second animation / Edit / Select all / Edit / Copy

5. Highlight first animation / click on last frame / paste after current frame

6. You can delete now the second animation

NOTE: The file will be a bit bigger with 40 frames, so to keep it smaller you can just select all / Animation / Cull animation / set to 2 ... but then set Frame Properties to 20

7. Back to your PSP / copy and paste your background to AS / CTRL + L till you have 40 frames

8. Highlight animation / Edit / Select all / Edit / Copy

9. Back to your BG / Edit / Select all / Paste into selected frames

10. Same you do now with your top layer from PSP

11. View Animation as gif


The tutorial was written on 20th of May 2019 and the copyright is mine

1 comment:

  1. I love this tag & I look forward to the tutorial too. Your work is fantastic.
