This is an old tutorial from 2010, but remade

Artwork ©Enys Guerrero

In order to use her art you must purchase a license and the tubes at CDO

Supplies: My background and gears here

The example was made with PSP X and Jasc Animation Shop


1.) Open my background or create your own, colorize to your liking

2.) Open the gears in your PSP and copy and paste each on your tag, for placement look at my


3.) Add on each gear a strong drop shadow, make sure to check "Shadow on new layer"

4.) When you are done with all gears merge all drop shadows with your background

5.) Highlight your top layer / Copy and paste your tube / Drop Shadow

6.) Add a new raster layer / select all / modify / contract by 2 pixels / invert and fill with a color of your choice / select none / add dropshadow 

I added some gears to the background layer / drop shadow and lowered the opacity to 75

7.) Merge frame with your tube layer

8.) Add text / your name and the artist's © /url and your license if needed and merge with

your tube layer too



1.) Copy and paste your background layer to Animation Shop (AS)

2.) Hold down Ctrl and hit "L" on your keyboard till you have 12 frames

3.) Back to your PSP / let's start on the right side with animating the gears/ highlight the first

/ copy and paste as new animation to AS

4.) Effects / Image Effects

5.) Delete last frame / edit / select all / copy

6.) Highlight your background frames / edit / select all / paste into selected frame (you should

see fine where to place it, because of the gear shadow)

7.) Back to your PSP / copy and paste the next gear to your AS

8.) Apply same effect as before, but check "Run effect in reverse direction"

9.) Delete last frame / edit / select all / copy

10.) Highlight your background frames / edit / paste into selected frame

11.) Keep going till you have past all gears into your background (next one uncheck the "run

effect in reverse d." , on the next check it again and so on)

12.) Once you are done with all, go back to your PSP and copy and paste your top layer to AS

13.) Hold down Ctrl and hit "L" till you have 12 frames

14.) Edit / select all / copy

15.) Highlight your background frames/ paste into selected frame

16.) View animation/ save as .......gif


This tutorial was written 10th of Oktober 2010 and the copyright is mine

1 comment:

  1. Good morning. The download link for the supplies is not working. Can your reactivate it please? Love your tuts!!
