
  You Wanna Rock ?

I used the art of ©Keith Garvey 
(used with license from MPT - now closed) 

To use the image in my example, you must have a license to do so.

If you scoll down, you will see the same tag with 
the Free To Use artist ©Popeye Wong, you can visit his website

Supplies: here

The disks are made by me, do not share them arround please


Eye Candy 5 / Impact / Extrude 

Alien Skin / Xenofex 2 / Constellation

1.) Open a new transparent raster layer 500x500 
pixel and flood fill with white

2.) Open YWR_BlueDisk , copy and paste as new raster layer / move it 
with your pick tool to the right site

3.) Open YWR_Notes , copy and paste as new raster layer / move it a 
little bit up to the top

4.) Open YWR_RedDisk , copy and paste as new raster layer / for 
placement look at my example

5.) Copy and paste your tube as new layer

6.) Add drop shadow

7.) Now select your Pick Tool / set the MODE to Free and drag top nodes 
to get shadow like this

8.) Text Tool / Music Television font / size 26 / #a60000 and type 
the text : You Wanna Rock ?

9.) Add drop shadow

10.) Text Tool again / size 100 / background #99abb7 
/ foreground to black / stroke width 1 / type your name / convert to raster layer / move this layer under your  tube layer

11.) Eye Candy 5 / Impact / Extrude

12.) Now take again your Pick Tool and set Mode to Free and drag top 
nodes to get this view

13.) Add drop shadow

14.) Add the copyright

15.) Let`s animate: highlight the red disk

16.) Xenofex / Constellation

17.) Repeat this with your blue disk

18.) Edit / Copy merged / and paste as new animation to your AS (Animation 

19.) Back to your PSP / hit 3 times UNDO / then repeat the Constellation 
steps but press Random Seed

20.) Edit copy merged and paste after current frame to your AS

21.) Repeat once again step 19 and 20

22.) View animation and save as ........gif


Tag made by Kat

This tutorial was 
written 1st of April 2008 and the copyright is mine

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for a great tut!! Would love to see more of this kinda tutorials :D
