Incoming Call *NEW*

I used the fantastic art of ©Keith Garvey, you can buy his art and license at CDO


AAA Frames
Xero Porcelain (as allways^^)


The smartphone is made by me (don't change file name and share around) an it comes in many colors.

For the very lazy peeps, I added the finished tag without tubes, otherwise everything is in the supplies, for placement look at my tag, because I am only explaning the animation.

Font: Chelsea II 


The background in the smartphone was made with the main tube / Muras Meister Copies / Wallpaper Rotate / then Neology / Vasarely Mosaics / Adjust / Blur / Radial Blur

1. For the small picture I used AAA Frames / Transparent Frame

2. Copy and paste this layer to AS

3. File new 

4. Copy you frame and paste into selected frame

5. Effects / Insert Image Effects / Motion Blur

6. Frame 1 and 2 are the same, so delete one ( you should have 20 frames then)

7. Back to your PSP / Edit / Copy merged (without that small frame layer ofcourse) and paste as new animation to AS

8. Back to your PSP / Highlight this layer

9. Selection Tool 

10. Adjust / Brightness and Contrast 

11. Select none / Edit / Copy merged (without that small frame layer ofcourse) and paste after current frame to AS

12. Edit / Select all / Duplicate .....and so on till you have 20 frames

13. Hightlight the frame animation / Edit / Select all / Copy

14. HIghlight your tag / Edit / Select all / Paste into selected frames

15. Click on your first frame / right click / Frame Properties / set this layer to arround 100

16. View animation as gif


This tutorial was written 24th of May 2019 and the copyright is mine

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