


Artwork ©Kajenna

In order to use her art you must purchase a license and her tubes at

This is a CT tutorial for


I used a Scrapkit of LaReinaDesignz , called Summer's Tale


Supplies: here 

Font: Aventure Scriptine-Regular

 Filters: Topaz Labs / Topaz Clean 3 (it's a Pay Filter and not really necessary for this tutorial)

Eye Candy / PerspectiveShadow and Bevel 

DSB Flux / Linear Transmission

Ulead Effects / Gif-X 2.0

The example was made with PSP X and Jasc Animation Shop


I am not going to explane how to copy and paste, be creative or look at my tag for placement 😉

1.) Open a new raster layer 900x900 and add a paper or papers at your choice, I used an old Becky mask.

2.) From LRD_SummersTale_085.png I made some squares and placed them on top of the background and added drop shadow

3.) Create your tag, once you are happy, add drop shadow and the artist copyright and your license

4.) I used the wordart from the scrapkit, but I put each word on a seperate layer, so you can arrange them better on your tag

5.) Duplicate those wordart layer and on the bottom one of each use Effects / Distortion Effects / Wind

6.) Effects / DSB Fux / Linear Transmission 

7.) Add drop shadow on your main wordart layers

8.) Add your name , I used a bevel to match the word art 

9.)  Repeat step 5-7 on your name layer

10.) When you are happy with your tag and everything added / merge visibel

11.)  Effects / Ulead Effects / Gif-X 2.0 / Light / you can move the start point of the animation by clicking on your tag

12.) Save as gif 


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