The Black Hat

Artwork ©Sandra Nagler-Dahl

Please read her FAQ , because you need to ask for permission to use her art. 

I have her personal permission for my site to use her fantastic photos and add the tubes I made from her art to my supplies. 

Font : Champagne & Limousines here

Supplies: The white background banners (made by me), "Der schwarze Hut" (The black Hat) tube and image ... sorry my supplies are gone


Simple Filters / Blintz Tile here

Crescent Moon / Warm Cloth here

Xero / Porcelain here

The tutorial was made with PSP X and Jasc Animation Shop 

At the bottom of the page you can see more examples 


1.) Open a new raster layer 600x250 pixel and fill with a color / pattern or gradient of your choice. 

2.) Duplicate this layer / Effects / Texture Effects / Weave 

3.) Lower the opacity 50% 

4.) Copy and paste TheBlackHatBanner2 as new raster layer , placement on the left site 

5.) Duplicate / image mirrow / image flip ...look at my example for placement 

6.) Merge both white layers / effects / Xero / Porcelain 

7.) Add drop shadow 2 / 2 / 45 / 7 

8.) Open SandraNagler-DahlDerSchwarzeHut / Crop Tool / apply 

9.) Image /Add 10 pixels white border and resize to 260 pixels in high 

10.) Copy and paste as new raster layer / Image / free rotate 15 degrees right / placement on the right site of your canvas 

11.) Apply Xero / Porcelain (same settings as before) / Adjust / sharpness / unsharp mask 

12.) Apply drop shadow 7 / 7 / 55 / 15 

13.) Copy and paste SandraNagler-DahlDerSchwarzeHutSaskiaTube as new raster layer / placement at the left site of your canvas 

14.) Apply Xero / Porcelain , unsharp mask and drop shadow as before 

15.) Move the mouse over the corners of your canvas and when you see the symbol in the screenshot below, drag them outside 

16.) Rectangle Tool / foreground none / background white / draw an overlapping rectangle 

17.) Convert to raster layer / Selection / Select all / Float / Defloat 

18.) Effects / Simple / Blintz , repeat this filter (if you followed the steps before, you should have a triangle in the middle now) / deselect 

19.) Effects / Texture Effects / Blinds 

20.) Effects / Distortions Effects / Wave 

21.) Set the blend mode to luminance (legacy) and the opacity to 65 % and move this layer to your liking 

22.) Add a new raster layer / select all / modify contract by 2 pixels / Selection / invert / fill with a color of your choice / deselect / drop shadow 1 / 1 / 45 / 5 and drop shadow again -1 / -1 / 45 / 5 

23.) Add the artists copyright ! 

24.) Text Tool / size 72 / foreground none / background white and type your name / drop shadow 2 / 2 / 45 / 7 / lower the opacity to 65% 



1.) Highlight the layer with the white background banner 

2.) Effects / Crescent Moon / Warm Cloth 

3.) Edit / copy merged / paste as new animation to your Animation Shop (AS) 

4.) Back to your PSP, undo your last move and apply the filter again (change the "Horizontal Spacing" to 20 ) 

5.) Edit / copy merged / paste after current frame in AS 

6.) Repeat step 4 and 5 two times more ( this time change the HS to 30 and then back to 20 ) 

7.) In your AS / View / Animation and save as .....gif 


This tutorial was written 26th of july 2009 and the copyright is mine 

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