Friday, January 27, 2017

You may print out my tutorials for your OWN personal use.

Do NOT translate, copy, email, download, distribute and/or make scripts from my tutorials!

You can save backgrounds, brushes, masks and frames to your harddrive. But do not claim them as your own or pass them through Yahoo or MSN groups. If you want to use them in tutorials, please give credit to my site and don't change the filename.



My Licenses:

Alicia Mujica: LDS_B992
Barbara Jensen : BJ0362
Celinart: CP2046
CDO: CDO-5535
Chris Pastel: CHP_Saskia
Darren Hiles: DHPL0081
Digital Art Heaven: DAH-711
Dreaming with Bella: DWB_1595
Hania's Design: HD-2275
Ismael Rac: IRS5277W
Lorenzo Di Mauro: L0523DM
MTA: MTA-P0421
MyPSPTubes: MPT1969
PicsForDesign: RZH-Saskia
Pink Paradox: PP37063
Scottwolf: SWD010
Suzanne Woolcott: SW542
Tallamy: #2838
TooshToosh: Toosh0454
UpYourArt: UYA0261
VeryManyTubes: VMT_Saskia
ViNina: VN_82865
VMArtists: VMA_Saskia
Zindy Nielsen: ZZT443
ZlataM: ZlataM_Misbehavior


  1. This is the BEST tutorial site I've ever found. The supply links actually work, the instructions to do a tutorial are clear and concise, and your artists are phenominal. GREAT job to all involved! Julie.......... I know you are out there somewhere :) . It is so nice to find a tube, and a matching kit without the guesswork.

  2. OMG! Am I glad I found your tuts again was missing them dearly. Hope you had a great Easter! :)

  3. how do i find the tutorials. I've been looking all over the site. I love your tuts so hope they are still somewhere.
