

Coffee Time

Artwork ©Kajenna

In order to use her art you must purchase a license and her tubes at

This is a CT tutorial for


I used "Warm Wishes", a scrapkit from Jennifer


My Supplies: HERE

Filters: Eye Candy / Drop Shadow
Xero / Porcelain
Topaz Labs / Topaz Clean 3
Toadies / Old Photo
DSB Flux / Bubbles

Animation:  The animation is from Rene Kunert Art

It's the freebie No20

The example was made with PSP X  and Jasc Animation Shop


I am not going to explane how to copy and paste, be creative or look at my tag for placement 😉

1.) Open a new raster layer 900x900 and fill with white


On all brown elements I used:

Toadies / Old Photo 

Xero / Porcelain

Topaz Labs / Topaz Clean 3 / Crisp Style


2.) Copy and paste element 26 as new raster layer/ duplicate it a few times to fill your background / merge and apply the mask

3.)  Copy and paste element 77 (the coffee cup)

4.) Copy and paste your tube as new raster layer

5.) Open element 22 in your PSP / Freehand Selection Tool

6.) Copy and paste it as new raster layer on your tag / same you do with the other 2 marshmellows

7.) Resize if needed / set your tube in the cup and place the marshmellows arround

8.) Take again your Freehand Selection Tool 

9.) Hit "delete" on your keyboard / select none

10.) Now place all elements to your liking

11.) On the backround I used  the yellow brush element (in the supplies) and added DSB Flux / Bubbles

12.) Also added some circles in different colors with the Ellipse Tool / foreground none, background of your choice

13.) Add drop shadow to your elements/tube

14.) Let's get your name on the cup / Ellipse Tool / foreground black , background none

15.) Image flip / it should look like this

16.) Text Tool /  move with your mouse over that ellipse outline till you get an "A" with an underline and type your text/name #fdcc1e

17.) Now on your layer palette click on the + and hide the Ellipse layer and convert to raster layer

18.) Set this layer to "Overlay" and lower opacity to 70%

19.) Add the artist copyright and your license

20.) Merge down everything that is behind your cup / hide the layer and and merge visible / ending up with 2 layers

21.) Open the animation in PSP and recolor each layer / Adjust / Hue and Saturation / Colorize

22.) Save as animation shop file

23.) Copy and paste your background layer to Jasc Animation Shop (AS)

24.) Duplicate till you have 25 frames

25.) Open your saved animation in AS / edit / select all / copy

26.) Highlight your background frames / edit / select all / paste into selected frame 

27.) Copy and paste your top layer from PSP to AS / duplicate till you have 25 frames / edit / select all / copy

28.) Highlight again your background frames and paste into selected frames

29.) View animation and save as ....gif 😉


1 comment:

  1. waow amazing! can you give me personal lesson on discod?
