Country Harvest


Country Harvest

Artwork ©Misticheskaya

In order to use her art you must purchase a license and her tubes at

This is a CT tutorial for

The tube I used is an "Exclusive" Tube, more information you will find here:


I used a Scrapkit of  Dreaming with Bella  called One Morning in Autumn


My Supplies: HERE

Font : Get Happy Solid

Filters: DSB Flux / Bright Noise

Xero / Porcelain

The example was made with PSP X and Jasc Animation Shop


I am not going to explane how to copy and paste, be creative or look at my tag for placement 😉

1.) Open a new canvas 900x900 and create your background (Z-BC-OneMorningInAutumn-PP and BC-One_Masks)

2.) Add some leaves to your tag

3.) Add tube and elements from the scrapkit, for placement look at my tag

4.) On most elements I used Xero / Porcelain

5.) Add drop shadow to your tube and elements

6.) Add the artist copyright and your license

7.) Add your name

If you don't want to animate it, then you are done



1.) Take your merged backround layer to Animation Shop (AS)

2.) Ctrl + L on your keyboard till you have 40 frames

3.) Open AnimationAutumn / Edit / select all / edit / copy

4.) Highlight your background / edit / select all / edit / past into selected frame ( put it on the left side and then repeat it on the right side)

5.) Back to your PSP hide merged background / highlight your name layer / DSB Flux / Bright Noise

6.) Edit / Copy merged and past as new animation to AS

7.) Back to PSP / undo last step / DSB Flux / Bright Noise / click in the Direction Mix 

8.) Edit / Copy merged and paste after current frame

9.) Repeat that step a few times more

10.) In AS / edit / select all / duplicate frames till you have 40 frames

11.) Edit / select all / edit / copy

12.) Highlight your background animation / edit / selct all / edit / past into selected frames

13.) Open Animation33 / edit / select all / edit / copy

14.) Highlight your tag / past into selected frames

I set frame properties to 25

15.) View animation and save as .....gif 😉
