Fade to Grey

Artwork ©Elias Chatzoudis 

In order to use his art you must purchase a license and his tubes at MyPSPTubes

Font : Island of Misfit Toys (incl. in the supplies) 

Supplies: Zipper and circles made by me (do not share) and the font with TOU textfile here


Simple Filters / Blintz Tile here

Enki`s Filters / Wallpaper Deluxe here

Xero / Porcelain here

Nik Software / Color Efex Pro 3.0 (you don`t need if you use my circles) here

Alien Skin Exposure / Black and White Film (can be made with Photo effects /Black and white film too) here

Alien Skin / Eye Candy 5 / Impact / Perspective Shadow (can be made with drop shadow too) here

AAA Frames here

The tutorial was made with PSP X and Jasc Animation Shop 

At the bottom of the page you can see more examples 


1.) Open a new raster layer 600x250 pixel and pick 2 colors (1 lighter and 1 darker) from your tube, set 1 to foreground and 1 to background / switch to gradient 

2.) Floodfill your raster layer / Effects / Enk`s Filters / Wallpaper Deluxe 

3.) Effects / Edge Effects / Enhance 

4.) Copy and paste your closeup as new raster layer, move to the right side and lower the opacity to 50% 

5.) Hover the mouse over the corners of your canvas and when you see the symbol in the screenshot below, drag them outside 

6.) If you want to use my circles (colorize to match your tag), then keep going with step 9 

7.) Set your background to the gradient / foreground none / Ellipse Tool 

8.) Convert to raster layer / Effects / Nik Software / Color Efex Pro 

9.) Effects / Xero / Porcelain 

10.) Effects / Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 / Impact / Perspective Shadow 

11.) Rectangle Tool / foreground none / background the dark color from your gradient / draw an overlapping rectangle 

12.) Convert to raster layer / Selection / select all / float / defloat 

13.) Effects / Simple / Blintz , repeat this filter (if you followed the steps before, you should have a triangle in the middle now) / deselect 

14.) Effects / Texture Effects / Blinds 

15.) Effects / Distortions Effects / Wave 

16.) Effects / Drop Shadow 

17.) Lower the opacity to 60-70 % or you can play with the blending options / for placement look at my example 

18.) Add your tube to the left side and apply same Perspective Shadow as before 

19.) Merge visible / duplicate and at the bottom one / Effects / Alien Skin Exposure / Black and White Film 

20.) Highlight your top layer and copy and paste my zipper , resize / rotate and place it to your liking 

21.) Add drop shadow as before and sharpen 

22.) Take your Lasso Tool / point to point / Mode: Add / Antialias checked and go arround the corners of the zipper 

23.) Highlight the layer below the zipper and hit the delete button on your keyboard 

24.) Merge all visible / Effects / AAA Frames / Foto frame 

25.) Add the artist copyright and your license 

26.) Text Tool / open the supplied font with double click on it, minimize / in your drop down menu you should see the font "Island of Misfit Toys" now 

27.) Type your name / convert to raster layer / add drop shadow / Adjust / Sharpness / Unsharp mask 



1.) Copy and paste the name layer as new animation to Animation Shop (AS) 

2.) Effect / Insert Image Effect 

3.) Copy and Paste your tag as new animation to AS (without the name layer) 

4.) Hold down Ctrl and hit "L" on your keyboard till you have 6 frames 

5.) Highlight your name frames / Edit / Select all / Edit / Copy 

6.) Highlight your tag frames / Edit / Select all / Edit / Paste into selected frames 

We want to have a smooth fading, so ...... 

7.) Edit / Select all / Edit / Copy and paste as new animation 

8.) Edit / Select all / Animation / Reverse Frames 

9.) Edit / Copy 

10.) Highlight the other file / Edit / Select none / click on the last frame / Edit / paste after current frame 

11.) You should have 12 frames now / highlight the first frame / right click and set frame properties to 100 

12.) In your AS / View / Animation and save as .....gif 


This tutorial was written 7th of august 2009 and the copyright is mine 

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