Flexify *NEW*

I used the great art of ©Keith Garvey, you can purchase his art and license here

If you scroll down , you will see more examples


Flaming Pear Flexify,
AAA Frames,
Xero Porcelain,
DSB Flux,

Supplies:  here


1. Open a new raster layer 750x300 

2. Copy and paste your tube  / Muras Meister / Copies / Wallpaper rotate

3. Adjust / Blur / Motion Blur 2x

4. Duplicate this layer / Make other layers invisible / Apply mask provided 

5. Now depends where you move it, I moved mine to the center down (play arround with your results after next step, it depends how big is your canvas etc.) 

6. Merge group / Effects / Flaming Pear / Flexify 

7. Erase the outside parts that looks bad and blurry / Dropshadow / Adjust / Sharpen More 

8. You can add more of those Flexify results to your set 

9. Rectangle Tool / convert to raster layer 

10. Effects / Distort / Wave 

11. Drop Shadow /  Xero / Porcelain / opacity 80

12. Open that "Hearts" supply / colorize if you want / copy and paste as new layer

13. Muras Meister / Copies / opacity 40

14. Copy and paste the "White Stripes" /Effects / Edge Effects / Enhance

15. Crop your set / Highlight your background layer / Effects / AAA Frames / Foto Frames

15. Copy and paste your tube / Drop Shadow / add your name, copyright

16. Highlight your top layer /add new raster layer / Selection / select all / modify contract by 3 / invert / fill with pattern (the one that is your set)

17. Effects / Edge Effects / Enhance / select none

18. Add a small drop shadow

18. For the animation I added to the Hearts Layer DSB Flux / Bright Noise


The tutorial was writen on  21th of May 2019 and the copyright is mine

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