Pride *NEW*

A CT set with the beautiful art of ©Rene Kunert

To use her art you must purchase her tubes and a license at CDO



Xero /Porcelain^^
Muras Meister / Copies
Eye Candy / Glass


Supplies: here

All supplies are made by me, if you want different letters, you need to follow the tutorial xD



Champagne & Limousines


1. Open a new raster layer 750x300

2. Copy and paste your tube

3. Text Tool / forground black / background none

4. Type out each letter on a seperate layer : P R I D E

5. Highlight your background layer / Oil Brush

6. Take colors from your tube when you create something like this: 

7. Once you are happy with the result convert to raster layer / Blur / Gaussian Blur

8. Effects / Art Media Effects / Brush Strokes

9. Now duplicate this layer till you have 5 / move it below each letter layer

10. We start with E / take your Magic Wand Tool and click inside of this letter

11. Selection / expand by2  / Selection / Invert

12. Highlight that oil painting and hit DELETE on your keyboard

13. Repeat these steps for all other letters 

14. On all oil painting letters add ... Eye Candy / Glass

15. On all outline letters add drop shadow

16. Now you can merge each letter with it's outline

NOTE: If you want a BG like mine, open a new raster layer 750x750  and copy and paste 2-3 letters / Muras Meister Copies / Wallpaper rotate / default settings / Blur / Motion Blur 45/100 twice / Effects / Edge Enhance

17. On all letters I added drop shadow

18. Now move your letter to your liking

My letter E is between the legs, so I had to take my Freehand Selection Tool

19.) Copy and paste your background (that you did before) as a new raster layer, move to bottom

20. Open BG2Pride and paste as new layer / lower opacity to your liking

21. If you want to make your own small frame, they are in the supplies, otherwise just take LittleFramePride and paste it as new layer / same as TUCH

23. Add frame / Copyright / License / Your Name etc

22. Now merge your BG1 and BG2

23. Text Tool / Champagne & Limousines font / white and type : PRIDE~

24. Convert to raster layer

25. Muras Meister / Copies 

26. Lower Opacity to 20



1. Copy and paste this layer to AS (Animation Shop)

2. I used 18 frames, but to keep the file smaller, set it to 10 frames

3. Edit / Select all / Copy / paste as new animation

4. Edit /  Select all / Animation / Reverse Frames

5. Edit / Select all / Copy / Click on last frame from your original animation and paste after current frame

5. Back to your PSP / Copy and paste your BG as new animation in AS

6. Hit CTRL + L till you have same amount of frames like your animation

7. Highlight your "pride~" animation / Edit / Select all / Copy 

8. Highlight BG animation / Edit / select all / paste into selected frame

9. Back to your PSP / hide BG an "pride~" layer / Edit / Copy Merged

10. Paste as new animation / Step 6

11. Edit / Select all / Copy 

12. Highlight BG animation / Edit / select all / paste into selected frame

13. View Animation as gif


THis tutorial was written on 5th of june 2019 and the copyright is mine

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