Wild *NEW*

Artwork ©Kajenna

In order to use her art you must purchase a license and her tubes at PicsForDesign.com


Muras Meister / Copies
Mehdi / Sorting Tiles

Supplies: here

The example was made with PSP X


1.) Open a new raster layer 750x350 pixel

2.) Copy and paste your tube as new raster layer / duplicate /close out for the moment your duplicated one

3.) Highlight your bottom tube layer / Muras Meister / Copies / Wallpaper rotate / default settings

4.) Effects / Distortion / Twirl / 590 degrees

5.) Move that layer a bit to the left and duplicate / image mirror / image flip / merge down

6.) Smudge Brush 

7.) Your layer should look a bit like this:

8.) Effects / Art Media Effects / Brush Stokes

9.) Effects / Edge Effects / Enhace

10.) Duplicate / Mehdi / Sorting Tiles

11.) Effects / Edge Effects / Enhace / set this layer to Soft Light

12.)  Copy and paste a closeup and set this layer also to soft light

13.)  Open the supply folder and add it to the set / for placement look at my tag, but keep the letters AFRICA on seperate layers

14. Add your name (I used Playlines font), copyright and a border.



1.)  Time to play with A F R I C A 😁 / lower the opacity on some letters, some more, some less

2.)  Edit / Copy Merged 

3.) Open your AS (Animation Shop) and paste as new animation

4.) Back to your PSP / change the opacity on your letters, again some more , some less

5.) Edit / Copy Merged / Paste after current frame in AS

6.) Repeat these steps 2 times more

7.) In AS / Edit / Select all / set frame properties to 35-40

8.) View animation ....save as gif


This tutorial was written on 3rd of june 2019 and the copyright is mine

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful tut. I used to have many of your IM letters, but I can no longer use IM. You may remember me as Paula from several years ago. I am learning animation now, and I love to follow your tutorials. I never thought I would be able to do this. Thank you for making it possible for me. Hugs, Paula
